Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The "Snow" Down

Long ago being raised in Wisconsin, I realized that one had to just keep on doing and going and being even if there is snow.  In Wisconsin, there is "really" snow compared to lots of other places.  I also lived in Colorado and had several blizzards that made Wisconsin look mild.  The thing with weather in Colorado is that it warms and the snow is gone.  Wisconsin has it all winter once it comes down.  Missouri, my country life now, has snow but not in the amounts they used to get according to people I talk with around here.  My thought is when they say that "we used to get snow up to my knees", well, maybe their knees were lower to the ground because they were younger.  Anyway, we have snow right now and it is so pretty, even if it is only 4 to 5 inches.  It is white, clean and shiney and makes our place look like a "winter wonderland". 

So this retired country girl does not hibernate.  I may stay in my pj's all day, but I still get outside.  You see I have some of those wonderful Carhart bib coveralls and neat matching jacket...in rose color.  They are so nice and warm, easy to put on and out the door you go, even if you decide to wear your pj's all day (underneath the coveralls of course).  I can get out in that snow and be toasty warm.  I walk my Miss Daisy Mae, who does not like her new sweater.  She seems embarrassed to wear it, and was so much happier when I removed it.  She bounded out the door ready for a nice ramp in the snow.  She finds all the holes that animals have made walking or digging in the "cold stuff", and is funny about having to stick her nose in them, going down in the snow up to her ears.  She never seems to tire of sniffing out the days new smells.  Today we walked in a different area and she was so happy, she could hardly contain herself. 

It is winter, almost.  There is snow.  But country life is still amazing to me and I don't want to miss it by staying indoors.  I even bring the outdoors into my study room area by having bird feeders by both windows.  I have a bunch of little snowbirds that like to sit in the shrubs which are up next to the front windows.  They then hop onto the windowsill and, in tune with each other, pop their heads up to peer in the window at me.  I enjoy watching them, one at a time raising up and down, and then the next and the next.  Wildlife can be great entertainment if you take the time to enjoy it.  A nuthatch hung on the screen of the kitchen window while we had company.  You see, our company usually spends time around the kitchen table talking, having coffee, catching up.  Farmers like to stop and viist other farmers this time of year when they have time to do so....talking shop.....no talking crops and plans for the next season.  They are thinking ahead past the cold and snow, talking seeds and fertilizer and equipment.  The little nuthatch seemed to be saying, "let me in, I know something about seeds also".  He was so pretty and we all stopped to check him out also.  Wildlife is good for the soul.

You can enjoy wildlife some in the cities, but not like living where we do.  It seems that we are all living closely together.  We feed the birds and they entertain us.  We feed the squirrels, and well, they sure do entertain the dogs.  We put our household food waste on a compost pile in the garden area, and wildlife of coyote, foxes, and maybe a cat or two get to search in it what they want.  The rabbits, deer and squirrels that leave those footprints and holes in the snow sure do entertain my Daisy Mae as we walk.  If she could, she would say thank you to them.  Actually her excited eyes tell so much.
Know that you are welcome to come for a walk with Daisy Mae and me anytime you are in the country area.  Who knows, country may get in your blood and you may be a new neighbor, well, just don't build "TOO" close. 

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