Sunday, November 13, 2016

So Much For That:::::::

Best laid plans were to do more regular blogging.  Also best laid plans were to stay home more.  I even stated to friends that I was planning to stay home until Black Friday which is a family thing for us.  Well, I needed to you see, as I have lots at home to study and do.  I paint, write, draw, knit, quilt, read, cook, bake, play with four lovely dogs, yoga, etc.  But......just last week, I went to Quincy three times.  Yes, three times.  It is about 45 miles from our home and the largest town nearest our farm.  

My reason to head to Quincy the first time was that I had trouble downloading the updates of the new Windows 10.  Anyway, I got to 99% and then it locked up my laptop.  I was also programming my fitbit and it would not let me finish after I did the app.  So Best Buy Geeks fixed this and I nicely said that I could do the fitbit at home.  Thanked them and left.  The next day I worked on trying to get it all downloaded for about two hours.  It did not work.  My husband and neighboring farmer came in and hinted that I needed their help, and my husband said he would simply do it a bit later.  That just made me want to work harder.  So my husband did try later and could not do it either.  A bit of me was happy because of his being arrogant, and a bit was sad because I could not get my fitbit going.  So up to Quincy I went the following day.  It was worked on for five hours and finally by trouble shooting it, they found, the bluetooth on my year old laptop did not work.  So I had to purchase a 20.00 item and then it was downloaded quickly.  Yeah to that.  Home we went and I could actually use the fitbit because the Best Buy Geek had it all downloaded and set up for me.

So you would think I had had enough of being gone....but Saturday was deer hunting around here, and all the people were going, but me, and I thought, I will head to Quincy again to a large seasonal craft show I had not been to for years.  I so enjoyed it and also some other shops and lunch out and grocery shopping.  Now home today and saying again, I have my fitbit working and meeting my challenges.  I have so much to do at home and feel I am falling behind on things.  I plan to stay home until Black Friday and my friend says,  "See you Tuesday at the Knitting Circle".  I know you will change your mind...I say no...but look about last week.

Part of me wants to stay home and away from people and part of me is full of so much to do here that I enjoy.  I need to find a balance.  Hoping my plan to at least stay home for the week works.  
"Best laid plans of mice and men they say", but here, the best laid plans for a country woman with many interests all of which are at home.  

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