Wednesday, December 2, 2015

As 2016 Comes to Me...

This past year has not been an easy year, nor was 2014, but we are at the end and I do have many good memories.  I am still able to do the things I want and even learn new and exciting things, and also plan more exciting travels if I desire.

This is a time of year that I start to not feel a bit depressed, but more reflective of the past year or years.  It gives me pause to reflect on the many good things and the few difficult things that I have gone through.  I gives me pause to reflect on things I liked but will not continue doing.  And the same goes for things that maybe I did not like so much, but gave them some time in my life before deciding to change them around also.

It has been a pleasure to blog, so I will keep doing this.  It is a way to express my thoughts and reflections and I find it a good outlet.  I continue to exercise, not as much walking, but still some.  I no longer camp nor have my Daisy Mae Foxhound to camp and take long walks with.  It does mean I can still enjoy the outdoors, which I do, and also enjoy the two little old doxies I have, ages 13 and 12.  I continue to exercise at the YMCA with yoga and swimming of laps.  Very relaxing and enjoyable plus keeps this old body limber.  However, since diagnosed with osteoporosis, especially in my back, hip and left leg and lower right leg, plus left neck and shoulder, and told that with meds it will keep it where it is, but all these places are at "easy fracture" condition....I don't think I will do aerobics, bike ride, or climbing, do to the fall factor.  I am thankful for what I can do at age 67 and really appear and feel to be in good health.  

My hobbies will continue to be knitting, and using my new circular knitting machine for socks and such, maybe to make and sell some on ebay to reap back the price of this wonderful machine.  I will quilt, of course, and do some crocheting, bake, cook, and sew other things.  But I did clear out my hobby closet to rid myself of some things.  One just cannot do everything.  I will paint also, so have a painting area in my closet, lots of yarns, winders, swift, and needles, etc.  I have quilt fabric, patterns, and a idea notebook for all.  Photography is always a must for me as I see so much beauty every day.  I also use many of the photos for oil painting materials ideas.    

I have discontinued scrapbooking, making cards, crocheting with threads, and also rug making.  I am no longer camping, and feel I am losing interest in the glamping things, Mary Jane Farm stuff as it is all connected to the camping as far as I am concerned.  I have enjoyed the glamping, the sisterhood, and my little group of women by mail or on line, but hunger more for connection with women locally that I can go to coffee with or sit and knit with.  But then again I don't care so much if I continue my knitting group which meets weekly and do not plan to continue my book discussion group which meets monthly.  It seems to me I am enjoying being home more, getting things done here and staying peaceful.

Peaceful has lots to do with it.  I don't even go to a Bible Study any longer as the women were too agrumentitive.  I see this at the book discussion and also at the knitting circle.  I have appreciated how MJF states that we will be united and not agree or push about certain things.  Oh, I do have my opinions and care lots about religion and politics, etc, community things.  But I also have the belief that these things can be discussed by adults in a polite and kind way without anger and put downs.  I have even seen it in my family, and it is just shameful.  So with that little rant, I am thinking maybe this is some of the reason for my pullback, but mostly it is because I am so tired and want to have energy to do the very things I want and enjoy doing, so will do those before spreading myself out to others.  Depressed, not really, saddened by many and also many things going on around me, but joyful in my own life and rejoicing that I can have calm and peace within and am grateful.

So,  a new year is coming, and I plan to try some new things and ways to do things.  Change is a good thing.  


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