Friday, October 16, 2015


This year my garden did not grow well however, due to too much rain in northeast Missouri.  I enjoyed some tomatoes and cucumbers, but few.  However, my apple crop was very good, as well I did get some peaches and some grapes.  

You may ask what do I do with all this stuff.  Well, again, it was a slower and less produce year for me.  We dug potatoes but about half of the rows I planted rotted due to the rain.  I had planted about 145 hills as I was going to give many away.  However, we did get enough for ourselves.  We dig them during the summer months to use, but in the fall, we dig, wash, let dry and then store them in our basement for further use.  They will last us until spring, which means I will have to purchase a few bags before the summer crop.

As far as tomatoes and cucumbers, I am to the point of just growing enough for ourselves, but this year, well, that did not even happen.

The grapes gave me several batches of jelly, which always smells so good when cooking it down to strain and use.  The jars of jelly always shine so sparkly as they sit and cool on my kitchen counter.  Again, I usually get enough to share with others in the family.  Weather was not good for them either.

Our peach trees actually died this year, yes, established trees.  We did get a crop from one nice tree and now it is dying also.  I made pies, jams, cobblers and even froze some for later.  There were very few to share but my daughters each picked a basket full.

Apples were the last harvest.  One tree died, one tree, my granny smith, did not do well, producing only a large bowl of picking, but the wonderful crisps and pies it did make were appreciated.  The other apple trees, two, still have some to pick.  I have made jelly, pies and even fritters from these apples.  Sometimes we just go out for a walk and grab an apple or two on the way past our "friend apple tree".  

So produce was not grand this year, but we still were blessed with some and tried to use it properly.  I trust that those of you who have produce also enjoyed harvest.

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