Saturday, February 17, 2018

Purses and other objects......

Today while shopping (looking), I spied a nice leather purse and could not help but have to touch it.  I like leather and I like wood, and it seems I often have to feel these things.  However, this purse, an expensive brand, was way to expensive for what I would pay...almost $400.00, but it was a ...... says the clerk.  She was very nice and proceeded to tell me that if I purchased the purse I could then purchase a matching wallet for 50% off so it would only be $100.00 today for the wallet.  What a deal!  But then she was a good sales clerk and told me that she purchased her first ......purse last week and every time she looks at it, it makes her smile.   I should not have, but I could not seem to help myself.....I said, "Well, I have three little dogs at home that make me smile and laugh and hug many times everyday."  She did not make a sale, and I smiles as I thought of my dogs and went home, holding on to my $29.00 purse from T. J. Max and my wallet, well, I got it online from for $1.00 and shipping.   Plus in that wallet was money not spent and also credit card not used for an object that, I am glad made this woman smile, but I think it would make me cry when I thought what I spent on it.  So glad I have my little dogs, because they are surrounding me right now as I type and I am smiling.

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