Today I spent time with the hummingbirds that grace my backyard and dining room window feeders. As I go out the screen door, they whiz past, enjoying their flight and the food to come. Some times while I am hanging up a full feeder, they start eating before I get it hooked to the chain that holds it. As of yet none have landed on my hands. Today, however, while taking photos of these little birds, and watching the feeders through my lens for them, one decided to shock me by hovering right in front of my lens. I did not capture a shot of it, but just enjoyed the moment. At times this is what I find myself doing, enjoying my moments and not always taking photos or sharing the photos I have taken. IT seems to make my moments of life just a little sweeter. But I still share some, and have even been posting some to the local weather channel. They use them in their weather/news reports. It is fun to being watching television and see a part of my day and knowing others are sharing it also, and just maybe liking it.
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