Monday, August 13, 2018


Some times I shock myself with not getting to my blog.  I need to work on it more and make it a better spot.  Sometimes I get busy with my country life of growing things, sewing things, knitting things, plus enjoying my dogs, It will all fit in, but as I grow older I believe what is happening to me, may be happening to some of you also.  We begin to count our time, our years, our months and days we have left in this world.  None of us know how much.  The current rate of life for a woman in America is 81....eleven years left.   I always have so many ideas and plans that I joke that I must live to be 150.  My family has longivity, especially the women.  With knowing all of that, for some reason this summer has brought my mind to wanting to organize and cut out the clutter of my life.  No, my house is not cluttered, and I try to get my things finishes, but the clutter of my life seems to be in my head.

All that typed, I must say, I slow down and do yoga, meditate, and come back with I need to do more.  My thought is that my days have become so relaxed, getting things done, but just no hurry for getting things done.  No rush.  My mind tells me differently.  What a silly struggle.  Just typing this makes me feel silly.  I know that I enjoy the calm, the peace, the slowness of  being retired and living here in the country.  I know I finish things and organize my life so that I do just that.  

One thing I know is that I value learning, doing, being most of all.  Being present.  My being present has slowed me down to really see things of this world and my life.  It is awesome to feel so alive.  Maybe in feeling so alive, I have actually gotten to value my life more, and with that I realize that it is limited and I don't want to miss a thing.

So I have decluttered with stress, drama, people who are not grateful (I cannot make them better), and all the "noise" of our media and politics.  I follow it all and care much, but then release things to a "MUCH BETTER" place.  My place and my life...however much time I have with it.

I read, right, nap, walk, etc.  Sometimes I take a morning nap with my little dogs.  Some days it is an afternoon nap, and soup for dinner, not a big thing.  Someday I take no nap at all.  

I am woman, watch me LIVE, and be true to all I have left, one day or many years.  Check out your life and progress also.  Believe that it is okay to take a survey of how you are managing things to get a full value life, a life just designed by you.

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