Saturday, December 17, 2016

Icy Winter Day

Although it is yet to become winter, here in NE MO it is wintery for sure.  We have a beautiful scene with ice covering tree branches, porches, fences and also the roads.  Any cars that go past our place are moving very slowly, some actually turn around in our driveway and head back from whence they came.  I don't blame them.  Our country county road heading around hills and curves makes for terrible travel in the ice or snow as it has no edges to turn off on, just steep ditches if you slid off.  I have seen many accidents and also a huge semi slid part way off the road some years ago and just hanging in the ditch.  So my thought is to stay in and stay home.  It is even hard to stand up and walk outside thus why drive!

It makes for a pretty scene but also a harsh one as if we get any wind, the electrical lines sometimes snap, branches of trees break and are lost from the pretty trees we live around.  I like the photos I can take, if I could stand up to take them.  I know this is silly, but I could put on my long zoom and take photos from the house but I don't think I will.

My little dogs are hard pressed to walk on this stuff and do not enjoy running in the backyard like they usually do.  They like the snow but not this ice.  So sorry for them when they have to go out.  I must say they do go out but only for short periods. 

The worst is to come tonight as we are to hit -2 degrees which is cold for our area of the world.  I am thankful for my warm cozy house.  I am thankful our furnace is in good care and is caring for us.  I am thankful for a stash of food, things to do and just comfortable indoor life for now.

As I will miss my walking today, I will read more, or spend some time quilting or knitting which are all very enjoyable.  I will nap with my little dogs and snuggle under a homemade quilt in my comfy recliner while watching some of my college class on dvd.  

There are always so many things to do in this country life, and is it not silly that just because I cannot safely travel out in my yard and surrounding country area, I miss it so much and sit and think of ways I could do it safely only to think how my doctor would sigh if I had to tell him my silly thoughts and plight of broken bones because of it.

So all who are tucked in in similar situations, take a nap and dream of a nice soft snowfall and walks in the country as I plan to do.

1 comment:

  1. We had a bit of ice to in West Virginia. I rather stay home too! Nothing petter than to snuggle under a quilt! Nice post!
