Friday, May 29, 2015

Something Special About Country Living

Yes, I enjoy this country living.  Not everyone can go out and clean their "glamper" in their nightgown because they also need to brush their foxhound before getting themselves dressed.  Then I did get dressed, hung out some rugs on my wonderful clothes line.  They are all nice and clean for my next camping trip, which is next week actually.  After that I headed out to hoe my potato patch in my nice cool denim sundress and barefoot.  Looking a little like a hick to some, but so very comfortable.  Besides, I really did look pretty classy as I had on earrings and a necklace and a nice hairstyle.  My patch is behind the shed with some trees around so stays wet longer then the large garden which is in the sun.  With the rain we have had recently, my patch really did need some hoeing to get weeds and grass out and more hilling to the lovely plants.  I do think potato plants have such a nice deep green color.  

After all that I took in a nice swim, in our pool, no, just because I am country, does not mean I swim in our fish pond or a river near to us or even a creek.  I must say that when Daisy Mae Foxhound and I head over to the farm 1/2 mile away, we do enjoy wading in the creek.  Actually I enjoy it more then she does.  She usually tries to stay on the rocks.
She seems to be somewhat of an elegant hound.  

Besides those things, I was able to do a little knitting this early morning and watch the news, drink some coffee and enjoy the start of the day.  I was also able to finish my embroidery sampler which I did as a pillow top and which I also designed and did for one of the embroidery badges for Mary Jane Farm Sisterhood badges.  That was done several different sittings in the afternoon while my Daisy Mae napped next to me in our oversized recliner.  I did purchase an oversized recliner so we could be together and comfy when she turned one she is three.  After all of that I headed to my sewing table and did some piecing of strips of my brick pattern quilt.  I have 10 of the 20 strips put together and it is looking so nice....all floral prints.  I will do the backing with a nice soft green piece with gardening tools and small flowers on.  My dear daughter in love purchased 4 yards of this at a thrift store in our local area for only $1.00.  You just can't do better then that.  

Productive, quiet, calm, peaceful, happy, creative day in my little part of the world.  Trusting you had a good one also.  It is soon to be June.  Enjoy.

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