Country Rest Time
Winter is a restful time for country people like me. It means more time in the house, not all the wonderful yard work and growing season, berry picking, etc. Which I always enjoy of course. But it is time to do other inside things that sometimes get set aside for spring/summer/fall things.
Quilting is on my list and I have a nice quilt on the table downstairs to pin together front, bat and backing and then machine quilt. Knitting is a daily thing (however, I knit for therapy, and love doing it all year some each day). I enjoy other crafts and readings and college classes, etc. also that I just don't find the time for in the summer months.
However, winters in Missouri go faster then some other areas of the country I used to live. It seems I always run out of time before the growing season starts. However, also, my asthma has become more of an issue to my life. Since I moved to Missouri some years ago, my teenage asthma came back and now at age, almost 70, and having had a very severe cold, my asthma has become a more severe issue. Today a doctor told me that I should stay out of the damp is humid in Missouri, summer and winter, fall and spring. Does this keep me in the house all year? I hope not, but if it is, then I will still enjoy my life with all my hobbies. I do hope things get better so I can walk and play with my dogs outside and swim in my pool. It is good to be able to breath, of course. The other solution may be to move. Really, I would like to see that happen. My husband is a Missouri person. I, on the other hand, just live here, but am from Wisconsin. Wisconsin is not an answer for me either, as it is humid. I did live in Colorado and like it. Well, life can get interesting at any age. We will see how this new issue is to be resolved. Saying that, I am off to do some breathing treatments, take some new meds, and head to bed.
And tomorrow, well, I am going to bake bread and quilt.