The four seasons are wonderful to live with. I do not believe I would want to live somewhere that I did not have all. Snow is predicted for this weekend here in NE Missouri. I love the snow, having lived in Wisconsin and Colorado, and enjoying all the activities with snow. However after living here for 27 years, I still wait for some "good" snow. I enjoy the piles and the drifts even more now that I am retired.
When I did not have lots of snow, I painted the windows with snowflakes or even made paper snowflakes. I need some snow. I like the feel of it falling on me when I take long walks in the new snow or first snow fall of the season.
There is spring with it's greening, and summer with its gardens, and fall with the pretty leaves and crispness of the air, but winter. It is hard to explain but I really like winter. I like the sweaters, the boots, the hot cocoa, and pots of tea while knitting or quilting. I enjoy more down time to read and paint and draw. Baking is extra special because we have those lovely holidays to cook for and bake for. Decorating for the season is also a joy. I can wear my coats and scarves and mittens I have made for myself. I can have the fireplace going. Candles light the early darkened rooms.
With writing this, well, just maybe I could use more winter of all the seasons. Maybe I should have moved to Alaska instead of staying in Missouri after all. Just maybe heading to Canada because of the terrible things I see happening in our country is also a good idea.
Most of all I do think about these things but know I will stay in my rural home near our farm in rural NE Missouri because it has become home. I am glad I can think of options but I love my place I have been put. I also love my country and will stay and fight for it and stand up to negative things that our new era looks to bring upon us. In my country home, I am tucked away and safe, but want it to stay that way also.
Seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter, but we also have seasons of our lives.
Enjoy each one.