Large and Small Plans
Country Katie and Daisy Mae are again looking forward to "glamping". We have spent some time sitting in our camper. I measured windows and have fabric (nice white fresh lacey) for new curtains. I must sit now and sew them. This will be especially fun on my new sewing machine.
We also cleaned out my hot box and have some seeds ready to plant in the next day or so. I do enjoy growing tomato and pepper plants for my garden spots. As I have walked my Daisy Dog, I check under the straw that covers my strawberries and my rhubarb and asparagus. Soon I will be removing it and watching the sprouting and growing....just imagining the taste of fresh produce.
Other plans include another quilt which I just purchased fabric for today. It will be done in a brick style and the fabric is all nice floral prints and the finished product, though a very old and simple style of quilt, should look elegant. I have a quilt in my camper done in the brick design, but what is so special about it is that it was made many years ago from all flour sacks. The days years ago when I was young, I recall my grandfather going to the mill for my family and purchasing flour, in calico cotton fabric. My mother would always suggest that he try to get several bags with the same print so she could sew me a dress. I was so proud of those pieces of clothing, but when I told friends as school, my mother was offended, thinking people would think we were "poor". However, may of the children had the same type of clothing.
My biggest 2015 plan is a trip to Europe, actually to France and I may spend a few days in London before heading home. I won't go until in the fall, but have started collecting some things I will need, such as today, a purchase of a universal charger....for my phone and camera chargers. It was exciting to purchase. I purchase another chip for my camera so I have a nice new one for all the photos I will be taking. As my family is from France, I have plans to visit the Alsace/Lorraine area for a few days, some days in Paris, of course, and a trip down to Nice, and Provence area. I will head back to Paris and then to Normandy for a day trip. Back in Paris I will either fly back to the states or go by train through the underwater tunnel in the English Channel and spend a few days in London and fly to the states from there.
It will be fun to gradually get things ready for this. As I wear and look at my clothing, I could think of purchases I could make, but I have nice clothing, so will just play with my clothing and make outfits I believe I could wear to the Louvre or Notre Dame , etc. I think I have some things that are nice enough to meet the Mona Lisa. This country woman is not "that shabby" because, after all, like I said, I am French. Okay, my friends and neighbors are mostly not too shabby either. We country women know how to act and dress when we get "out there".